Father’s Day Painting

Ahhhhhhhh Father’s Day is this SUNDAY! I’ve had a super busy weekend and suddenly realised the day is very soon.

So I was on a mission. A play date turned into an arts session with paint, masking tape, paper and two toddlers. What could go wrong?

We decided on masking tape and paint pictures as these are simple and look very effective. Also an activity suitable for a 2 and 3 year old. To be honest it took a few attempts and lots of patience but I think we got there in the end.

Attempt 1 – Card

My friend and I were on a mission, to create the word ‘Daddy’ using masking tape. We would stick the masking tape onto the card and then the children would paint on top. We were all set up to go and had A3 card at the ready. We soon realised ‘Daddy’ was actually quite long, so we shortened it to ‘Dad’. You could try ‘Daddy’ or use any name/ initial. Once our ‘Dad’ was complete, the children started to paint. They mixed the colours and covered most of the paper.

Leaving it to dry somehow seemed very difficult. Us mummies were keen to see the completed masterpiece. With a cuppa and a biscuit in hand we sat staring at the paintings willing them to dry. We couldn’t wait and peeled the masking tape off very carefully. The card ripped and the paint smudged! Guilty mummy moment.. I’d just ruined Emilie’s painting! whoops!

Attempt 2 – Plain Paper

We weren’t going to give up and tried normal plain paper, maybe this would work. So once again we spelt out ‘Dad’ with masking tape. Emilie and Jacob are keen artists and didn’t seem to mind repeating the activity.

I took the opportunity to do some colour mixing with Emilie. I refilled her plate with blue and yellow and then just watched her. She couldn’t help herself and started to mix the colours and said; “Look! yellow and blue is green. Look, Look I make green.” She was discovering and learning on her own. She then painted the whole paper green. I know, I know I should’ve left it to dry completely but I was too impatient and began peeling the masking tape off. I ripped the paper slightly.

Attempt 3 – Sugar Paper

We were determined this would work and this Father’s Day mission was not going to be a disaster. We repeated the activity using sugar paper. We left it to dry a bit longer than the others and it worked! Not perfectly but with a bit of patience and peeling the masking tape off very carefully it worked.

We had a fun afternoon and now feel a bit more organised for Father’s Day.

I would love to hear how you get on making Father’s Day painting or any other ideas you have to share. Add them to the comments below.

Thank you for reading and HAVE FUN!

Love Lene x

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